The Dwell Time Blog

Forget vanity metrics; ignite engagement! Dwell Time unveils the secrets to captivating website visitors and transforming them into brand heroes. Dive into the science of attention, where tweaks, not trends, make users linger, learn, and love. We'll crack the code of perfect dwell-time magnets armed with data, design, and psychology. Keep eyes glued, sales soaring – dwell time mastery awaits.

Heads Up, SEO Experts: Google Core Update Likely Coming Soon

Google core update 2024

Get ready for potential shifts in search rankings! SEO experts anticipate a Google core update in the coming weeks, possibly sometime in July or August 2024. While Google hasn’t officially confirmed the exact date, staying prepared is wise.

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Google Cracks Down on Spam: June 2024 Update Explained

Have you been seeing different websites popping up in your recent searches? Google, the world's most popular search engine, recently launched its June 2024 spam update. Read more
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Don’t Sweat the Numbers: Google Says Traffic Diversity Isn’t a Ranking Factor (But Here’s Why It Matters)

Google-Says-Traffic Diversity-Isn't-a-Ranking-Factor

Have you ever heard the advice to ‘diversify your traffic sources’? This translates to having visitors discover your website through many avenues, like search engines, social media buzz, and recommendations from other websites. It’s a common refrain in the Read more

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Write for People, Not Google: The Ultimate Guide to SEO Content Creation

“The most important thing to remember when writing SEO-friendly content is to write for people, not Google.”  Introduction In today’s digital world, search engine optimization (SEO) is more important than ever before. By optimizing your website and content for the search engines, you can attract more visitors and boost your bottom line. However, it’s important … Continue reading "Write for People, Not Google: The Ultimate Guide to SEO Content Creation" Read more
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