The Dwell Time Blog

Forget vanity metrics; ignite engagement! Dwell Time unveils the secrets to captivating website visitors and transforming them into brand heroes. Dive into the science of attention, where tweaks, not trends, make users linger, learn, and love. We'll crack the code of perfect dwell-time magnets armed with data, design, and psychology. Keep eyes glued, sales soaring – dwell time mastery awaits.

Google’s Top 3 Ranking Factors: Content, Links, and RankBrain

Google is the most popular search engine in the world, with over 90% of the market share. It is also one of the most complex algorithms, using over two hundred factors to rank websites. While Google's algorithm is constantly changing, there are three factors that have consistently remained important: content, links, and RankBrain. Read more
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How to Grow Your Business With SEM in 2017

Why is Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Important for all Businesses?

So you’ve already invested in a strategy to optimize your website, and you’ve seen an encouraging improvement in your search engine rankings as a result. But you Read more

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